I also learned that the Icelandic word “lokad” means closed. This is good information to know when it isposted beside a rough dirt road miles from civilization. Knowing this can prevent the feeling you getwhen you have to turn around miles later down the road.
After leaving the spectacular glacier lagoon and beach, we headed west tothe town of Vik, where we trekked into the Highlands (crossing rivers),photographed Puffins and a variety of waterfalls and landscapes. The mountains and scenery surround youeverywhere and photographs just don’t seem to do it justice. Sheep were everywhere but only occasionallywould you see one of the big older males with the full curl of horns. I know they’re not “wildlife” but there wasone multicolored big boy I just had to photograph.
There is so much of Iceland that we have not seen and if it is anythinglike what we experienced for the past 10 days we just might have to makeanother trip.
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