I have always heard that the Going to the Sun Road that crosses the park andgoes over the high pass is one of the most incredible drives on theplanet. I see no reason to disagree basedon the variety and large number of beautiful mountain peaks you see in everydirection. It was great to see it whenit first opens for the season and it would also be great to come back one yearin September in the fall when the look is totally different and you are able tohike to some additional views near the summit.
Kelly spotted a black bear that others nearby did not see (she still refersto it as “my bear”) and we got a great image of it. It was one of the largest black bears I haveever seen. I think it managed to eatjust fine over the winter. Since it wasspring, we were looking for some ground squirrel babies and finally found someon our last day. They are about onefourth the size of the adults and just as cute as they can be.
I hope the variety of images properly presents what we have been able toexperience and photograph here. Our nextmission is to Iceland in July, where it does get dark for about an hour aday. It’s going to be good.
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