14 Haziran 2012 Perşembe

Horseshoe Bend and the Grand Canyon

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Our timewith the stunning slot canyons had ended and it was time to head south for aday at the Grand Canyon before headinghome.  But first there was one place thata sandstorm had prevented us from photographing when we here two yearsago.  As the Colorado River heads south, it takes an incredible bend and is known asHorseshoe Bend.   The shear cliffs makeit one of the most frightening places I know of.  After a short half mile hike in the sand tothe cliffs, I was able to find one place near the edge where I could place atripod and get in the whole river without feeling I was going to plunge to mydeath.  I am not a fan of heights.
We onlyhad one morning for the Grand Canyon and thereis so much there that I believe I could come back and spend an entire trip inand around the canyon.  The sun rose andthen beamed out from beneath a dark cloud resulting in a moody, but interestingimage.  I'm usually among only a handfulof people somewhere at sunrise but Friday there were well over 100 people thathad got up to witness the 5:45am event just at the one overlook I was at.
Weaccomplished all our goals and came away with some great images.  Our next expedition in May takes us to the Oregon coast, which will be the opposite experience ofthe Arizonadesert.  I can't wait.

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